Sometimes its caused by a gear mismatch:
Open the ai.ini and engine.ini inside the 'data' folder (if the car has a data.acd, unpack it with content manager first)
Make sure the Gears UP value in the ai.ini:
UP=7900 (wrong value)
has a lower value, than engine.ini limiter
ALTITUDE_SENSITIVITY=0.1 ; sensitivity to altitude
INERTIA=0.120 ; engine inertia
LIMITER=7500 ; engine rev limiter. 0 no limiter
MINIMUM=1500 ; engine idle rpm
In this example the RPM needed to shift up is higher than what the engine limiter allows, so you would change the ai.ini value to something like 7200
It doesn´t work every single time, but it might be the case for the cars you´re trying to run.